
Menampilkan postingan dari 2023

Heaven has a new angel

You rest in the arms of angels,  in a place of peace and love,  watching over me, from the heaven above. I know somewhere among the stars and the angels,  you are there holding my hand and loving me in spirit, this thought keeps me going, because, I know love is eternal even if the body isn't. I watched your last breath, I watched my life fade from your eyes, I rested my head on your chest, hoping to feel your heartbeat. Allah saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be, so he puts his arms around you,  and say “come to me”, with tearful eyes I watched you passed away. A golden heart stop beating, Your wings were ready, but my heart was not. Now, I have to remember you, for longer than I have known you, I know heaven must be beautiful right now, cause they got you.

Sempat ada

masih menjadi pertanyaan di benak ku,  kenapa semesta mempertemukan kita di jalan takdir nya,  kalau akhirnya takdirnya pula yang memisahkan kita? aku yang awal nya sudah yakin dengan jalan cerita kita,  ternyata masih harus terkikis sedikit demi sedikit,  untuk kehilangan diri ini, lagi. apakah kamu merasakan sayang dan rindu ini? apakah kamu merasakan sedih dan kecewa ini? apakah kamu tau ini sakit? ah, mungkin perasaan mu tak cukup untuk merasakan semua ini, aku minta maaf. memang benar, cinta yang hingga meneteskan air mata adalah cinta yang tidak pernah pura-pura,  hati yang selalu mengerti juga akan lelah,  rasa-rasanya sudah harus menerima semua jalan takdir,  bahwa sudah bukan aku lagi yang hidup di masa mu sekarang,  dan bukan aku lagi yang harus senang dengan adanya kamu di dunia ini. tidak ada yang perlu disalahkan, kita hanya dua manusia yang kebetulan bertemu ditengah jalan takdir, aku yang kebetulan datang, dikala kamu sedang kesepian, dan dekatku pun tak pernah kamu liha

I’ll be the one who keep us alive

You brings out the best part of my poetry, I have poured so much about you into words, but I hate to write about you like this. I miss you so much and that’s hurt my whole heart, I’m not sure if I’m missing what we are or what I hoped we could’ve been, All I know we both know all to well it had to be this way, or that’s what we should tell to ourselves. I’m scared, I’m scared that I finally realize that it wasn’t the things between us that changed, But it was us. I was forced to let go, I could probably let go if I wanted to, I could bury the thought of you, But the heart wants what it wants. Maybe I’m only meant to love you from afar, But I won’t ever stop writing about you, At least one of us has to keep us alive.

If it‘s mean to be it will be

Loving you is a common sense,  I don’t know where we’re going, But I do know that there’s no one else I’d rather go with. I don’t know how long this feeling will last, I don’t know how long will i have to gaslight myself to be loved by you, I would forever choose us over and over again,  You’re still the reason I’ve got butterflies whenever our eyes met. I’m glad we met, I hope you stay around for a long time, I know we’re trying our best to get it right, And even if we don’t,  I’ll spend my entire life being glad we tried. Maybe at the end, We gotta love each other from a distance, And by that time,  Will you think we’ll find a way back to each other?

Meant to meet but not to be

you have no idea how important timing is until you meet someone who's perfect for you,  but you can't be together because of external forces which are out of your control.  sometimes someone comes into your life that changes everything,  raises the standards,  makes you laugh, and makes you feel like you. there's something about him that you can't put into words,  and even though you're not with him, you don't want to let him go. your love was strong, but timing was wrong, and love decided,  that you both didn't belong. because,  if you have chemistry, you only need one other thing, timing.

Semoga Kamu Pulih

Apa kabar? semoga hari mu baik selalu. Semoga kebahagiaan selalu menyertai hari mu. Aku rindu,  rindu akan canda tawa yang telah kita buat kemarin, rindu akan segala waktu yang telah kita habiskan kemarin, rindu akan segala cerita dan emosi yang kita luapkan, tanpa harus memikirkan perasaan siapapun. Maaf, maaf mungkin sudah menjadi orang paling jahat yang hadir di hidup mu, maaf sudah merusak segala ikatan yang telah kita buat kemarin, tapi aku benar-benar tidak bisa memaksakan semua perasaan, ku harap kamu mengerti. Semoga kelak, kamu, aku, dan kita bisa kembali menyatu menjadi teman semula, tanpa adanya rasa kesenjangan seperti ini, semoga kita bisa berdamai dengan keadaan ini, semoga kamu pulih.

Farewell to my dearest.

Saying goodbye to you is one of the hardest things I have ever done. But I know that will be better for us to be friends. I don't want to hurt you, but I also don't want to be hurt. I hope someday we will meet again, in our best version. This was a decision you forced me to take. But remember that you'll never be blamed, for some of the nicest moments in life I have spent with you. It's not your fault, and it's not mine, but it's time for us to go on. I know my heart will not relax until unless I'll have you again in my my arms, but you're to young to be tied down, which is why I'm happy to see u fly away into the skies. I'll cherish every moment that we spent together, you were loved, and you'll always be loved. We have reached the end of our journey, but I will never forget you. Thank you for being with me all this time, I wish you the best of all this world can give. It's never easy for me to say goodbye like this, but yet we have to d

Selamat 50 tahun, Ibu!

Hari ini adalah hari kelahiran perempuan yang paling berharga di hidupku, Ibu! entah sudah tulisan ku yang keberapa tentang mu, tapi semoga kali ini tulisan ku tidak kalah indah dari yang lainnya. Sudah genap 50 tahun umur mu ya bu?, aku yakin pasti sudah banyak sekali perjuangan mu untuk tetap bertahan disini, terimakasih Ibu sudah berjuang keras, walau di terpa banyak ujian, tapi terimakasih banyak sudah tetap kuat sampai sekarang, meskipun mungkin tidak jarang ibu kelelahan, mati-matian memperjuangkan kebahagiaan ku dan adik, selalu berusaha untuk membuat hidup kami merasa cukup. Entah hatimu terbuat dari apa, sangat hangat dan luas rasa sayang mu kepada kami, padahal kami masih sangat sering mengecewakan mu,  maafkan kami bu. Di hari spesial mu kali ini, maaf tidak bisa hadir di dekatmu, tapi semoga dengan tulisan ku kali ini, bisa cukup untuk ibu merasakan kehadiran ku di samping ibu. Bu, aku sangat sayang sekali kepada ibu, kali ini aku hanya ingin memelukmu erat, dan ber-terimak